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The Learning Hub for UoL's Online CS Students


A twist on the use of REPL, which stands for read–eval–print loop in computer programming. This repository aims to become a central place to share resources that other learners have found useful, especially in the context of studying a BSc Computer Science offered by Goldsmiths, University of London :school:.

Current week

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Most used resources

Other useful resources

How to ask for help

Reaching out to tutors and SRMs

Despite being ~100% remote, this degree is equipped with a team of tutors and SRMs (Student Relationship Managers) that can help you find what you need.

  • For module-specific issues, you can reach out to your tutors in the appropriate discussion forums on Coursera. Access any module you are enrolled in from the home page of this degree on Coursera.
  • For general non-academic issues, such as university policies and regulations, you may write in the Reach out forum on Coursera
  • , or contact the university directly (see below).
  • For personal non-academic issues, including - but not limited to - questions on enrollment, financing, recognition of prior learning, access requirements and mitigating circumstances - you may contact the university directly through the Enquiry Hub, or by any of the means mentioned in this section.
General advice on how to ask and find answers

Succeeding in this degree has a lot to do with how resourceful you are. This page is meant to be a helpful guidance along the way, but developing a few key skills on your own will become an increasing necessity, including being able to research online, debugging code effectively and knowing how to ask questions.

To get started on that learning path, please refer to the following web pages:

Modules in the curriculum

Level 4 (year 1+)
Module name Abbreviation Code Written exam? Group project? Slack channel
Algorithms and Data Structures I ADS1 CM1035 Yes No #cm1035-algos-data-i
Computational Mathematics CM CM1015 Yes No #cm1015-computational-math
Discrete Mathematics DM CM1020 Yes No #cm1020-discrete-math
Fundamentals of Computer Science FCS CM1025 Yes No #cm1025-fundamental-cs
How Computers Work HCW CM1030 Yes No #cm1030-hcw / #rpl-hcw-google-it
Introduction to Programming I ITP1 CM1005 No No #cm1005-intro-prog-i
Introduction to Programming II ITP2 CM1010 No No #cm1010-intro-prog-ii
Web Development WD CM1040 No Yes: 30% of total grade #cm1040-web-dev
Level 5 (year 2+)
Module name Abbreviation Code Written exam? Group project? Slack channel
Agile Software Projects
*will be withdrawn in October 2026. See Note below.
ASP CM2020 No Yes: 100% of total grade #cm2020-agile-software-projects
Algorithms and Data Structures II ADS2 CM2035 Yes No #cm2035-algos-data-ii
Computer Security CSec CM2025 Yes No #cm2025-computer-security
Databases, Networks and the Web DNW CM2040 Yes No #cm2040-databases-networks-web
Graphics Programming GP CM2030 No No #cm2030-graphics-programming
Object Oriented Programming OOP CM2005 No No #cm2005-object-oriented-programming
Programming with Data PWD CM2015 Yes No #cm2015-programming-with-data
Software Design and Development SDD CM2010 Yes No #cm2010-software-design-development

Note: Agile Software Projects CM2020, will be withdrawn in October 2026. If you wish to study Agile Software Projects and have not yet registered on this module, your last opportunity to study this module will be in the October 2024 session. The final assessment retake opportunity for this module will be October 2026.

The Professional Practice for Computer Scientists module will be introduced in place of Agile Software Projects CM2020 and will run for the first time in April 2025.

Level 6 (year 3+)

There is a total of 13 possible modules in Level 6. Out of these, 6 need to be taken along with a final project in order to graduate. A student may either choose a specialism (see below) but may also opt against a specialism to be able to study any 6 of the following modules.


Each specialism contains five prescribed modules from the above 13. All five must be completed along with one elective module from any other specialism. The specialisms are:

Final project

A final project must also be completed to graduate. If a student is opting for a specialism, they are strongly encouraged to select a relevant topic for the final project.

Module name Module code Written exam? Group project? Slack channel
Final Project CM3070 Yes No #cm3070-final-project

:heart: To explore modules in this degree from the perspective of students who already took them, have a look at this wonderful spreadsheet.

Calendar due dates and events

See what's the current week
  • Find out what week we are on right now in this very semester by following this link (probably one of the simplest yet useful user interface you will ever see).
Sync deadlines and events from Coursera
  • "Automatically sync all the deadlines and other related items from all active courses to your calendar." Simply visit the account settings page on Coursera and click on the Calendar Sync tab to see options to sync with Google Calendar, Apple Calendar and others.

Stay in touch

Contacting UoL
  • General student enquiries should be made at the Enquiry Hub, which is also accessible through the "Ask a question" button in the student portal.
  • Main university contact page
  • Reach out by phone: +44 (0)20 7862 8000 (general), +44 (0)20 7862 5766 (specific to this degree), +44 (0)20 7862 8368 (fees office).
  • Student Advice Center: knowledge base for frequently asked questions.
  • To escalate an issue, create an official Student Complaint by emailing A& and asking for a stage 2 complaint form, clearly outlining the problem.
Contacting other students in this programme

More software options for video conferencing on this page.

What's happening at Goldsmiths
  • Blog.DoC - "This is the blog for Goldsmiths' Department of Computing. If you are a student, graduate or staff member of Goldsmiths Computing and you want to share news, photos or stories about your work, email our blog editor at:"
  • Computing events, seminars & conferences - "The Computing and Psychology departments' regular seminars encompassing various aspects of cognition, computation and culture. All are welcome to attend."
  • Goldsmiths Computing (Twitter) - "Creativity, independence and learning by doing. Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London."
  • Goldsmiths, UoL students (Twitter) - "The official account for students at Goldsmiths, University of London. Online Mon-Fri 9-5pm."

Emojis: Their meaning in the REPL

Emoji Meaning
:heart: This is a highly valuable resource (always a bit subjective).
:1st_place_medal: Deemed essential (such as a textbook used for a specific module).
:2nd_place_medal: Deemed very important (such as a textbook used for a specific module).
:3rd_place_medal: Deemed noteworthy (again, such as a textbook used for a specific module).
:lock: Restricted access with accompanying explanation: maybe you need to access the Slack workspace, maybe you need to log in to the student portal, etc.
:star: This is about open source software.
:cloud: A software that is used online (runs in the cloud).
:heavy_dollar_sign: Indicates a resource that costs money to acquire and/or to use.


Good luck in your journey!

As the first cohorts of students enrolling in this ~100% online programme, it is in our interest to cooperate in order to maximize our chances of celebrating all together when we graduate.

Good luck to all and may this path fulfill you, knowing that you will find support along the way!

Note on copyrighted material

This is not a place where you'll find prohibited content, such as leaked confidential information and copyrighted material. Anything that could potentially fall under the regulations of the University of London will be removed if it appears by accident and you are welcome to report it.

Have an issue, some feedback or want to contribute?

There are two main ways you could reach out to start all kinds of discussions:

  1. Open an issue on GitHub;
  2. Join the #repl channel in the :lock: UoL Slack workspace (students only).

Here are our contributing guidelines just in case that’s useful :wink:.

Contributors ✨

Want to join this illustrious group? Have a look at the contributing guidelines. :sunglasses:

:heart: Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


Aleksandar Milosevic
Aleksandar Milosevic

💻 📖

Ali G
Ali G

Anastasia Kashkinova
Anastasia Kashkinova

Andrés Sarmiento
Andrés Sarmiento

📖 💻
Ankush Menat
Ankush Menat

📖 🐛 ️️️️♿️ 💬 👀
Anthony Morris
Anthony Morris

Anuj Karn
Anuj Karn

Arjun Muralidharan
Arjun Muralidharan

📖 🖋

Blair Currey
Blair Currey

💻 📖

Chi Bao
Chi Bao

📖 🐛

Chris Castelo
Chris Castelo

Danny Callaghan
Danny Callaghan

Database Missing no1
Database Missing no1

David Moreno
David Moreno

Diego Cabrejas
Diego Cabrejas

Dmytro Kulak
Dmytro Kulak

Emery Muhozi
Emery Muhozi


🐛 📖
Fabio Lama
Fabio Lama

Felipe Balbi
Felipe Balbi

📖 🖋 👀 ️️️️♿️
Florent Vaucher
Florent Vaucher

🔣 🖋 📖 🔧
Gerhard Lourens
Gerhard Lourens

📖 💻

Günes Sen
Günes Sen


Hayato Ishida
Hayato Ishida

Ibrahim Ben
Ibrahim Ben

Irfanullah Jan
Irfanullah Jan

📖 🐛

Jack Griffiths
Jack Griffiths

Justin Kim
Justin Kim

Kaushik Padmanaban
Kaushik Padmanaban

🖋 ️️️️♿️ 🐛 💻 🎨 🚧
Liz Nelson
Liz Nelson

Lukas Marquardt
Lukas Marquardt



Mary-Brenda Akoda
Mary-Brenda Akoda

May Do
May Do

Michał Żuber
Michał Żuber

Mitsuaki Ishimoto
Mitsuaki Ishimoto

Mohammad Hussain Nagaria
Mohammad Hussain Nagaria

Mohan Gups
Mohan Gups

🖋 📖
Morag S.
Morag S.

Nelson do Vale Oliveira
Nelson do Vale Oliveira

Nikola Knežević
Nikola Knežević


🐛 🖋
Patryk Grzelak
Patryk Grzelak

Ricky Miller
Ricky Miller

💻 ️️️️♿️
Rohan Maheshwari
Rohan Maheshwari

Roy Mattar
Roy Mattar

Ryan Slevin
Ryan Slevin

Sandeep Mishra
Sandeep Mishra

Santiago Torres Aragon
Santiago Torres Aragon


Sasha Varlamov
Sasha Varlamov


📖 💬 🐛
Shen Zhou Hong
Shen Zhou Hong

📝 🖋 📖
Spencer Eick
Spencer Eick

Steve Coast
Steve Coast

Sukhjit Mann
Sukhjit Mann

🖋 🐛
Sébastien Lavoie
Sébastien Lavoie

💻 📖 👀 ⚠️

Txomin Astrain
Txomin Astrain

Veronica Minutillo
Veronica Minutillo

Vilmos Kintera
Vilmos Kintera

Xuan Lim
Xuan Lim

Yehoshua Kahan
Yehoshua Kahan

Yehuda Taylor
Yehuda Taylor














📖 🖋 🐛

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of (almost) any kind welcome!

Maintainers :construction:
